Sustantivos y adjetivos
Traffic jam: Atasco
Rush hour: Hora punta
Oyster card: Abono de transporte
Travel Pass / Travel Card - Bono
Car crash: Accidente de coche
Parking fine: Multa de aparcamiento
Speed limit: Límite de velocidad
Speed cameras: Radares de velocidad
Cycle lane: Carril-bici
Pedestrian areas: Zona peatonal
Car parks: Aparcamientos de coches
Seat belt: Cinturón de seguridad
Platform: Andén (tren)
Station: Estación (tren)
Motorway: Autopista
Taxi rank: Parada de taxi
Railway station: Estación de ferrocarril
Zebra crossing: Paso de peatones
Petrol station: Gasolinera
Gate: Puerta (aeropuerto)
Traffic light: Semáforo
Motorcyclist: Motociclistas
Cyclist: Ciclistas
Helmet: Casco
Journey: Viaje (the trip between the start and end."My journey to work / school takes twenty minutes.")
Trip: Viaje
Luggage: Equipaje
Suitcase: Maleta
bus stop: parada de bus
single ticket: ticket de ida
return ticket :ticket de ida y vuelta
Medios de transporte
Train: Tren
Subway: Metro (USA)
Underground / tube: Metro (UK)
Plane: Avión
Coach: Autocar
Bus: Autobús
Lorry /Truck: Camión
Van: Furgoneta, camioneta
Motorbike: Moto
Bike: Bicicleta
Tram: Tranvía
Carriage: Vagón
Railway: Ferrocarril
Light rail: Tren ligero
Frases relacionadas:
overground: exterior
get stuck: quedar atascado
getting worse: empeorar (the traffic was getting worse)
get on the bus:subir al bus
get off the train: bajar del tren
get in the car: entrar al coche
get out of the car: salir del coche
ride a bike, motorbike or horse : Montar en bici, moto o caballo
fly a plane: volar un avión
go by bus/train/car: ir en bus/tren/coche
sightseeing :hacer turismo
Don't say "I take my car to work". Say "I drive to work" or "I go to work by car" or "I travel to work by car".
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